O Captain My Captain Poem Questions And Answers
O Captain My Captain Poem Questions And Answers. The famous poem o captain! Walt whitman created a memorable, heartfelt poem shortly after the assassination of president abraham lincoln in 1865 when he wrote, “oh captain, my captain.” the piece lives on in many anthologies and is studied in numerous high school and college classrooms.
Before you dive into answering the question, make sure it is clear in your mind what the question is. It is not a bad idea to start by seeking clarity over what is being asked. Make a polite request "I am sorry, I do not seem to grasp what you're asking Do you mind rephrasing?" You'll communicate more effectively when you do this instead of simply talking about it with no clearness or comprehension. The purpose behind answering questions is to contribute positively to the person looking for an answer. Avoid wasting time. Seek understanding first.
Another way to boost your efficiency in responding to a question in a relevant and objective manner is when you allow the person asking questions time to complete asking. Some people take their time to explain precisely what they want to convey. Answering a question before it is asked in full may appear disrespectful. Don't assume that you know in which direction the question is taking, therefore you need to assist the person find the answer. If you have time allow the person to "ramble" while you take note of key elements. This also allows you time to think through and formulate an answer that is the most appropriate to the question. Being able to listen can give you a high rate of success in the answer to questions.
You have to figure out if you are competent to answer the questions or someone else does. Are you authorized to speak regarding this issue (journalists can make you look bad even when you're not supposed to be to the company spokesperson)? What is the depth of your answer be? Silence and breaks in the conversation suggest that you're just creating whatever substance you've got in your mind but a clearly thought out answer is in the pipeline. You can prepare the person expecting an answer by saying "Let me think about it ..., Let me take a look." ..". So that the person does take a break from thinking there is nothing you've heard the answer, and instead you're simply ignoring or ignoring. The process of thinking through can help you to formulate statements that you'll be happy on later. You will be able to determine the best approach to address the issue with wisdom without leaving marks or new wounds.
My captain” is an extended metaphor, as whitman symbolically connects the death of the sea captain to the assassination of abraham lincoln on april 14, 1865, just five days after the end of the civil war. If you can get a score of 80 percent or above, then that will be excellent. Be highly elated or jubilant.
Rise Up And Hear The Bells.
The poem, describing a ship coming to the end of its voyage with its captain dead lying on the platform of the ship. Used for military fanfares, signal calls, etc. If you can get a score of 80 percent or above, then that will be excellent.
The Speaker Is Convinced Lincoln Would've Made A Capable Sea Captain.
The speaker believes lincoln was an ineffective president. have you read this poem o captain my captain? / o the bleeding drops of red, / where on the deck my captain.
Be Highly Elated Or Jubilant.
A brass instrument similar to the cornet but usually without valves: On a separate sheet of paper, completely and thoughtfully answer the following questions. There should be sense of contrast.
The Ship Has Weather'd Every Rack, The Prize We Sought Is Won.
Students will read the poem and answer questions regarding whitman’s use of figurative language. if yes, then you should easily be able to pass this test. How many lines are there in the poem?
Rise Up And Hear The Bells.
Wants to be in charge of the ship. The speaker believes captains are strong leaders & make effective presidents. The speaker becomes sad at the end of the poem because his captain is dead.
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